Welcome to Aki Con 2017
Aki Con is a non-profit anime convention, now in its 10th year. It will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in SeaTac, Washington on October 20th - October 22nd, 2017.#akicon10

Aki Con 2017 Awesome Guests!Brian Beacock
Chris Rager
Josh Martin
Run Sasaki
Check out the Guest page for a complete list...
More Info
Aki Con 2017 Hours!
Friday: 8am-3am
Saturday: 8am-3am
Sunday: 8am-6pm
Aki Con badges are only valid for the hours listed above and you will not be admitted to any events that start after your badge has expired.
Buy Tickets
Artist Alley and Vendors
Vendor & Artist Alley 2017 Tickets are on sale now.Thank you for your support.
Aki Con Attendee Policy
Read the Aki Con Attendee Policy here!Check out our updated Attendee Policy for 2017. Our attendee policy and code of conduct applies to everyone in attendance at Aki Con including volunteers, guests and staff.
Aki Con is happy to continue our S.A.S.H. volunteer division for Aki Con 2017: Safety And Social Health or S.A.S.H.
S.A.S.H. is being put in place along with our new Attendee Policy to help ensure the safety and happiness of everyone from attendees, guests, volunteers to hotel staff and convention security. S.A.S.H. volunteers will be available all con to quickly and efficiently assist in all safety and social issues. Head S.A.S.H. volunteers range in specialties from Teachers, Counselors and Bullying Prevention Instructors. If you have any questions or needs at Aki Con please approach any S.A.S.H. volunteer and they will be happy to help. Head S.A.S.H. volunteers will be working directly with the onsite Police officers at Aki Con.
Click here to read our Harassment and Bullying Policy